Friday, August 3, 2012

Answered prayers

I was thinking about some of the prayers I prayed in the past, back when I believed in a God I knew nothing about. I didn't know who Jesus was aside from the fact that he is God, or associated with God in some way. I didn't know of the things he's done or the sacrifices he's made. I prayed every night for 2 years I think to this God that I knew nothing about and he actually listened.

To be honest, I don't think I prayed thinking that he would hear me. I think I just prayed because I needed someone there and I believe that he was. It's amazing how these insincere prayers that this confused and lost little girl was praying was still worth His time. It took me a while before I realized God actually answered these prayers and that's because he decided to answer it in a way that was far more than what I had asked for.

I prayed for death and he allowed me to be reborn in him.

I prayed to be adopted into a loving family, and he adopted me into his own.

I prayed for a love that would last forever and he made me aware of his love.

For those of you who constantly think God is too busy to hear your prayers I want you to think again, God listens to every prayer and if you think hard enough I guarantee you will find his answer somewhere. It may or may not be what you asked for but it is definitely 100% for your own good and for the good of his kingdom.

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