I was recently exposed to a tumblr post titled "What Kind of Guy Should I be Looking For?"
I have to admit, I agree with everything that was written. There's this one thing though and its been something that I've realized about my fellow females out there. I feel like us girls fall into what I would call "the princess syndrome". Everyone constantly tells us how we deserve nothing but the best, even disney movies got us thinking someday my prince will come. It's true, we are God's precious jewels and we do deserve godly men but at the same time God's men aren't any less loved than we are. They deserve godly woman. Just like how we're told that we don't have to settle for less, our brothers don't have to settle for less either.
Maybe I'm just speaking for myself when I say this but knowing to wait for my godly man to show up made a whole lotta sense to me but never did I once think about being the godly woman that the godly man deserves. There shouldn't be a double standard to this. If us girls go around throwing ourselves at anyone, giving our hearts away to anyone, not respecting ourselves and our bodies the way we would want others to, what makes us worthy of a godly man?
So before you complain about being forever alone and how God is taking forever to bring the guy to you, remember that it takes two people who are ready to serve God together to be in a relationship that glorifies God. Maybe its not that the right guy isn't man enough to be revealed to you, maybe you're the one thats not mature enough for him yet.
The guy said "none but the brave deserve the fair"
the saying works the other way around too...
"none but the fair deserve the brave"
Be deserving of one another.
*snaps* :)