I started reading the book I bought from Epic Conference last night and I think its pretty insightful from what I got out of the first chapter. There was this paragraph that stood out to me and this is what it said:
" 'There is a God-shaped vacuum in the heart of every man which cannot be filled by any created thing, but only by God, the Creator, made known through Jesus.' It's an enormous black hole - the unquenchable longing for significance and human glory swallows all our activities, our gifts, our energy, and leaves nothing but emptiness behind."
Its true that us humans have this desire to find our worth and glorify ourselves in worldly ways. Some people may find it through the amount of boyfriends/girlfriends they have, others might think money is the way to satisfy this black hole. The problem is, by using worldly things to fill this hole, the hole will never be filled and it will only be like throwing everything youre living for in a black hole. People and things will always fail you because they are not perfect. We can't let these imperfect things show us how worthy we are as human beings. Success will fade, money can be lost; all of these things are simply temporary. But God is eternal. By filling this hole with God, its like drinking an unlimited amount of ice cold water after 40days of walking through a desert. God can fill this hole and the satisfaction and happiness you will feel after is a feeling only those who had experienced it will understand. its an indescribable amazing feeling to understand that we are worthy because God has made us worthy.
And i guess my point is, i want people to understand this indescribable feeling because i know what it feels like to go from feeling empty to feeling full inside and this amount of happiness that i can guarantee nothing you have ever experienced will amount to the happiness God's love can give you. It's in my prayers that whoever it is that might just randomly end up on this blog will feel a glimpse of this happiness that i have from God and that they too will one day feel the same happiness i do.
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