Thursday, September 20, 2012

Even in Pain...Love.

I was going through a devotional today and it was saying how we can easily pinpoint everyone's bad quality. It's not hard at all to pick on people for their sins but thats not what God has called us to do. God told us to love with no exceptions and love isn't to expose faults but to cover defeat sin with love. That got me thinking about Jesus' crucification. On that cross, he could've exposed each and everyone of us for our wrong doings, for not believing in him, for hating him, for hurting him and eventually killing him but thats not what he did, he chose to pray over us. He asked God to forgive us for our sins and even in that moment of pain, both physical and emotional, he never stopped loving us. He covered our sins with his love for us, by shedding his blood. If Jesus was able to love to that extent, why can't we overlook the little things people do to hurt us and love them for once? Yeah, situations suck and feelings do get hurt but in the end to love someone who isn't love-able is something that can change lives in the long-run.