Sunday, April 15, 2012

What Faith Can Do

I’ve seen dreams that move the mountains
Hope that doesn’t ever end
Even when the sky is falling
And I’ve seen miracles just happen
Silent prayers get answered
Broken hearts become brand new
That’s what faith can do
That's what faith can do!
Even if you fall sometimes
You will have the strength to rise


Have you ever sat in a corner and thought to yourself "I am so unworthy, how can God possibly love me? I am undeserving of Jesus' sacrifice"

This is something I have to say I was struggling with since the day I came to Christ, I never really thought much into my feelings of unworthiness, I just thought of it as a personal thing that doesn't influence my feelings towards God or even have anything to do with him because its my own feelings of lack of self-worth...(idk if that made any sense at all)

This year, actually very recently...this week, I finally see the problem. It's true that we are undeserving and unworthy of what Jesus has done don't get me wrong, (I mean thats what Grace is all about. He gave us what we didn't deserve.) But its the very love that he has for us that gives us tremendous worth. He made us worthy..more than worthy. How can we say that we are unworthy and not love ourselves when this man held us with tremendous worth that he was willing to die for us and to go through all the pain that he went through for our sake.

My pastor said something interesting "i believe the gospel has little to do with the worthiness of you or me"
That is very true, i mean if you think about it; the gospel has nothing to do with how worthy we are because God clearly loves us all unconditionally. No matter how messed up we are or what we have done, God sees us  the way our parents would but so many times more. We're his precious jewels, the very ones he love so much. Who are we to judge whether we were worth Jesus' death or not?

So believe me, you are more than worth it Because God said so :]

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Good Friday

What exactly is Good Friday? Honestly speaking, I never gave it much thought growing up. No one ever told me what it was, for all I care it just meant Easter was coming and with Easter comes spring break. Easter was nothing but a holiday american people celebrated (which I now know otherwise) in which they hid eggs and candy around their house (probably attracting a bucket full of bugs which I'm much too smart to join in on knowing just how much i "love" those little creatures) and some giant easter bunny with a bowtie comes around (which is obviously as real as the tooth fairy...i guess you can tell i was never much of a fairy-tale believer) It meant absolutely nothing to me...up until I came to Christ that is.

The thing is Good Friday isn't just a Friday that leads up to the goodness of Easter sweets. Good Friday is the day we remember the price Jesus paid on the cross for our sins. At this point, many people wonder why anyone can call the death of a person "good" especially when the person died in such a painful and heartbreaking way.

That was something very hard for me to grasp at first, how his death can be good and how people can rejoice when he went through all that suffering. But then it hit me, the reason why good friday is good is because he gave us life, freedom and hope (just naming a few things) that very day. Good Friday isn't good because some random kid was nailed on the cross and just bled his way to death in the most painfullest way one can possibly imagine; its good because Jesus took on our sins and died so that we may have life.

I found this picture on tumblr randomly one day and something within me clicked. People think that Jesus lacked the ability to save himself because he allowed himself to die on the cross. What we fail to realize is, this Jesus who is dying on the cross, walked across water, saved a bajillion people and fed thousands with a few loaves of bread. That's just a few of the miracles he performed and yet we can believe that that very man was overpowered by a few nails through his body. That doesn't make sense. The very person who turned water into wine and gave a blind man sight...theres no way he can't save himself from this mess, I'm pretty sure more power is needed to let blind man see than to break free from the nails in his body. If he wanted to, I believe he had the full power to just vanish from the cross and he was given the choice to not even die on it. But this very man did die on the cross and nothing couldve held him there besides his love for us. I mean come on, he could easily break the nails, easily ran away, he knew exactly what was going to happen and when the day will come, God even gave him a choice to not go through with the plans and yet he faces this situation out of love. He's done all of this so that we can have life, so that we may not be bound to our sins, so that we will not go to hell and return to our Father's side. He died for the very people who hung him on the cross and He prayed for us despite our disbelief. He loved us til his dying breath and even when we turn away and dont believe this is true, he still continues to loves us.

Good Friday is more than just the friday before easter, it is the day Jesus' love for us saved us all from being bound to hell. The very day love was at its greatest. It is a day for rejoicing and to be fully thankful of his great and amazing unconditional love.